He Waka Tuia

In the heart of Invercargill you’ll find art and museum space He Waka Tuia, a joint initiative between the Invercargill Public Art Gallery and the Southland Museum and Art Gallery.
Eastern Southland Gallery

Housed in the former Carnegie Library building in Gore, the permanent collection at Eastern Southland Gallery beckons local and international art fans alike.
E Hayes Motorworks Collection

A family owned hardware store and free-to-view museum that honours motorcyclist Burt Munro and “The World’s Fastest Indian”.
Hokonui Moonshine Museum

A museum and whiskey distillery that pays homage to the notorious Scotch-New Zealander clan the McRae, who supplied the region with some of the best whiskey distilled outside of Scotland during Prohibition, aka Hokonui Moonshine.
Te Hikoi Southern Journey

An immersive look at NZ’s south coast where a rich bi-cultural narrative pre-dates Riverton’s 1836 establishment.
Tumu Toka CurioScape

One of the Catlins most intriguing aspects is the petrified forest at Curio Bay. But how does a forest become perfectly preserved in stone?