Neighbourhood Hangs: Your Guide to Karangahape Road


Objectspace in Auckland is a public gallery dedicated to the fields of design, craft and architecture.
Sumer Art Gallery

It’s hard to miss. The building façade is painted in semaphore-like triangles of bright purple and white, located centrally on Beach Road near Britomart.
Bergman Gallery

Since June 2022, the modern and inclusive Bergman Gallery has been enhancing the upper stretches of Auckland’s arty-infused Karangahape Road.
Anna Miles Gallery

With a background as an art critic, curator and lecturer, Anna Miles opened her gallery in 2003 having decided it would be more productive to be a champion than a critic.
Auckland Art Gallery Toi O Tamaki

Open all day every day, you can count on the gallery as a sojourn from the bustling city.
Gow Langsford Gallery

Offering viewers an opportunity to hone their artistic appreciation into more specific areas away from mainstream exhibition