The Heart of Thorndon Quay: Four Traders Who Have Stood the Test of Time

Toi Store at Pātaka

Gallery and museum gift shops are sometimes seen as a nice-to-have, a neat place to peruse some trinkets on the way out.
Kai Tahi

Porirua is well-known as a proud harbour city, with its glistening waters an indelible part of its social and aesthetic identity.
New Zealand Police Museum

Showcasing and immortalising a true institution of New Zealand society, the New Zealand Police Museum acts as a unique catalogue of this country’s history, drawing...
Percy Scenic Reserve

A private family garden in the late 1800s, Percy Scenic Reserve is now one of Lower Hutt's most cherished public spaces to take in serene vistas, explore historic plant collections and picnic by the duck pond.
Maidstone Max Adventure Playground

The playground that we all dreamed of when we were young: a castle fort, a double flying fox, a mountain biking track and more.
Brewtown Entertainment

Brewtown is quietly but effectively growing a reputation as the region’s ultimate family-friendly destination.
Kaitoke Regional Park

A lush sanctuary nestled in the foothills of the Tararua mountains, Kaitoke Regional Park has an ethereal allure that captivates visitors new and old.

A serene wildlife reserve, home to a range of native and endangered New Zealand species, from kunekune pigs to keas.

Toi MAHARA is the district public gallery for the Kāpiti Coast. It stands in pride of place in the heart of Waikanae in a purpose-built building designed by Athfield Architects.
Toi Matarau

Toi Matarau is a gallery within the Māoriland Hub in the heart of Ōtaki village.
Dreamscape Glamping

Perched on a hill overlooking Waikanae and the Kāpiti Island, a unique accommodation experience awaits.
Courtenay Creatives: The Best of Art, Style and Design in Wellington’s Courtenay Precinct

Penray Gardens

Penray Gardens is a pick-your-own paradise located in Ōtaki on the Kāpiti Coast.
Willis Lane

Wellington’s city streets are constantly humming with life and energy, but for a playful excursion that breaks the norm, you’ll want to head underground.
Iris Store + Studio

Nestled in a creative corner of Wellington and surrounded by like-minded boutique neighbours, Iris Store + Studio is much more than a one-stop shop for all your beauty needs.
Dinner and a Show: Where to Eat, Drink, and Be Entertained in Wellington’s Courtenay Precinct

Hoi Studio

Hoi is a Pilates studio in Miramar with a wholesome philosophy of laughter and light-heartedness in movement.
Old St Paul's

While Old St Paul’s is no longer affiliated with the Anglican Church (or any church for that matter) it still makes a beautiful spot to come and reflect no matter if you’re atheist, agnostic or still deciding.
Wellington Apothecary

Find a complete range of botanical tonics, teas and skincare, all handmade in small batches at this local apothecary.
Commonsense Wellington City

For all things organic, Commonsense Organics is the place to visit – and luckily for Wellingtonians there are four stores to choose from.